20 August 2017

Contribution For Management
Name                : Dapid Nurdiansyah
Registration ID : 1705617136
Program Study : Management (S1)

What is the point of being educated? That question crossed in my mind at one night. I just wondered why I should be as excited as this to pursue education, studying, that some people said it was exhausting. My name is Dapid Nurdiansyah, a student.
Being a college student is not easy leap especially for a student that came from a small school like me. It was not easy because I completed my high school education with slightly different way. Wait, different? Yes. I finished it through non formal education, Kejar Paket C —another way to gain education.
I came from what in Indonesia’s education system called as PKBM (Pusat Kegiatan Belajar Masyarakat) which was conceptually I learned what mostly people learn while schooling in formal school, but technically I didn’t study in a big school with full access toward government programs such as interscholastic contests, SNMPTN, even government scholarships because administratively I've not been able to attend some educational programs because I was from PKBM. It so sad when in fact you have the desire to grow further but your steps are hampered by the system.
Going through Kejar Paket C at PKBM had made some people wondered. Why? They asked. Well, I used to come from formal school. Everything was going well until an accident occured, I got crashed and broke my leg. Those had me to quit from school to take a long recovery –3 years. It was a tough years for me. At the end of healing period, I decided to come back to school by way of Kejar Paket C which is non-formal education.
The question is: what made me choosed this path? Honestly, at first I myself was skeptical with what they called as education of equality. Until one day I had to accept one fact against my life: I was a school-dropped out boy. Regardless of what problem behinds, that was what actually happened to me. Along the night, I lamented that fact. Until I realized, dropping out of school doesn't mean dropping out of hope. I still had another option.
Coincidentally, in the other night, I watched a young man (who also confessed as a dropped-out boy) was being interviewed on television and talking about equality education. Briefly, this man was also dropped-out of school and finished his high school studies by way of Kejar Paket C and running it through alone. He studied by himself at home, alone! And finally, with all the effort and hard work, he made it. He was accepted in Faculty of Law at Universitas Indonesia majoring in Law Sciences. At that sad night, this man had convinced me if there is no wrong with that, literally! He had proved it out. In short, I took my own decision. I continued my non formal-high school and studied in a ‘school’ which was founded by that young-dropped out- man. They named it Yayasan Pemimpin Anak Bangsa (YPAB). What a great idea!
For almost 2 years studying there, I was taught by very-humble-volunteer tutors. Yes, volunteer. They are not get paid. During that time, I learned. What brought them here? Well, I got so much lessons to tell you.
Today, I have passed through that phase dan completed my high school studies. After I attended student selection for higher education and passed the selection, I get accepted in Faculty of Economics at State University of Jakarta, majoring in Management.
The question now is: What could I do with this privilege as a management student? Studying in a place what people called as Campus of Education that has given birth to great teachers in this country. What is so special? I believe, the best opportunity that we have while young is the opportunity to get an education. As a boy who has dropped out of school, I see many problems in our education that need to be solved. I think, as a management student I have the chance to solve it. So, I want to dedicate my knowledge to our world of education. I want everyone get that best opportunity too!
As a student of State University of Jakarta (UNJ), I would like to join and build the name of Management UNJ increasingly known as the Faculty of Economics which has quality and contribution to the education of Indonesia. One of the steps, I have long dreamed of being a volunteer in a non-profit organization whose mission is to implement educational equity.
I grew up from volunteerism. Even though they came for free, of course I had to pay it forward. Spreading out the same passion to other dropouts. With the management knowledge that I would get from the State University of Jakarta, I hope it can be of much useful for others and will boast my alma mater!
As a student who was educated by volunteer teachers: a group of educated people. Seeing what they did with their knowledge, seeing their passion in educational equity, I think I get an answer over my question at first: What is the point of being educated?
Well, of course, to be free and set others free.

Currently a management student that has a keen intrerest in Entrepreneurship, Marketing and Education. I grew up by dint of volunteerism. I consider becoming a future marketing specialist and useful human being for society..

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